Tag Archives: macaroni

Album: Perfume – “Game” (2008)

Only a week away from their first ever London gig, and I’ve finally caught up with J-Pop girl trio Perfume’s studio albums. I’m going in a weird order though, starting with 2009’s amazing “Triangle“, then 2011’s solid “JPN“. They’ve had a bit of a messy career to follow over a few labels, but this is their first proper studio album.

There are a bunch of singles before now that were compiled in the “Complete Best” album, but I’ll get to them another time – perhaps before the gig if I get to listen to them enough.

So how was “Game”? Still pretty listenable, but I feel like it didn’t quite have that magic ingredient they got for “Triangle”. Some of it is a bit samey and doesn’t really grab me. Then again, there are a few hot little numbers in there. Shall we DELVE? Yes, let’s…

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Filed under Albums, Music, Reviews